Carlos Afonso Gonçalves Gomes Coelho, delegado da Polícia Federal (PF), foi afastado de seu cargo como coordenador de aviação operacional da Coordenação Geral de Apoio Operacional da Diretoria Executiva da corporação. A decisão foi tomada por Diego Galdino, secretário executivo substituto do Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública.
This move comes amid investigations pointing out Carlos's participation in a scheme of irregular espionage within the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin). During Alexandre Ramagem's tenure as the director-general of the agency, Carlos held the position of secretary of Planning and Management.
The investigation encompasses the possible 'instrumentalization' of Abin to illegally track several authorities, individuals involved in investigations, and adversaries of the ex-president Jair Bolsonaro. The alleged crime involved the use of a geolocation tool, the First Mile software, which identified people's movements through their cell phones.
The investigations suggest that both Ramagem and Carlos Afonso conspired to prevent the scandal from being exposed, intervening in disciplinary investigations and nullifying a disciplinary administrative process related to the issue.
An operation authorised by a court order from minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), revealed that the tracking system was used from February 2019 to April 2021. Moraes' report highlights the actions of the 'senior management' of Abin, including Ramagem and Carlos Afonso, in their attempt to legalize the irregular use of the software.
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